Igbo Women Association Glasgow Scotland

Empowering Women – To Nurture, Lead, and Excel

Igbo Women Association Glasgow Scotland

Empowering Women – To Nurture, Lead, and Excel

About Us


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Who We Are

Igbo Women Association Glasgow (IWAG) is a socio-cultural charity organization based in Glasgow Scotland, United Kingdom. The Igbo people are an ethnic group native to present-day South-eastern Nigeria.

The association provides a forum for social, educational and general well-being of its members and their families in Glasgow and environs.

Empowering Women – To Nurture, Lead, and Excel

Igbo Women Association Glasgow works with women and children from different communities and backgrounds assisting and empowering

Our Values:

  • Integrity: The value of integrity is embedded in our quest to make a positive difference in our host country, motherland, and the world as a whole. We strive to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Responsibility: The value of responsibility requires members to be accountable for their actions at all times, comply with all laws and regulations relating to charity organisations in Scotland, and encourage members to be confident and independent contributors.
  • Commitment: The value of commitment requires members to show loyalty to the Associations’ activities, be proud of the Association and its contributions to the society.
  • Selflessness: The value of selflessness requires members to put others first before personal gains and aggrandisement, to be role models to their children, and husbands in-terms of renouncement of personal satisfaction for the benefit and the happiness of others.
  • Creativity: The value of creativity requires us to challenge ourselves and believe that positive change in our mother-land (Nigeria) and our host country (Scotland) can be achieved via our collective actions.
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